The following port options are currently available:
RIX is operated by Internet á Íslandi hf. and located in three places in Reykjavik, in Tæknigarði, Dunhaga 5, in ISNIC headquarters in Höfðatúni 2 and in Múlastöð, Ármúla 25. Colocation is available in all locations.
Current fees, excl. VAT.
Customers can choose to have RIX provide transceivers for RIX. In that case we charge a restocking fee.
If customers supply the transceiver for RIX, then there is no initial connection fee.
T-1000-RIX €92/month
T-10000-RIX €182/month
T-40G-RIX €210/month
T-100G-RIX €250/month